Fajar B. Hirawan

Former Head, Department of Economics

15 Publications

Fajar B. Hirawan

Fajar B. Hirawan is a Senior Researcher at the Department of Economics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He has joined CSIS since November 2006. Since January 2022, he has taken a role as Head of Department of Economics. His research mainly focuses on how to improve the economy in the global world, including related to the issue of food security, international trade, creative/digital economy, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), rural-urban poverty, and any issues in development economics. He is active in several research networks nationally, regionally, and globally.

Since 2010, he has been active teaching in several universities in Indonesia, such as University of Indonesia, Prasetiya Mulya Business School, University of Multimedia Nusantara, School of Government and Public Policy, and Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII). As a Faculty Member, he teaches several courses, such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Policies for Economic Development, and Indonesia and its Interconnected World. Besides research and teaching activities, he is also very active in public debate related to economic issues through the seminar, workshop, papers/articles, and media interviews.

Fajar received his Bachelor degree in Economics at Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (2006) and Master in Development Studies at University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Italy (2009). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from School of Economics, University of Sydney, Australia (2017).


Research Report

Laporan Perdagangan dan Investasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia 2024: Prospek dan Tantangan Ekonomi Berkelanjutan di Tengah Dinamika Global

Erlinda Quinta Pramudyantini, Fajar B. Hirawan, Dandy Rafitrandi, M. Habib Abiyan Dzakwan, Eunizoe Lael Octauno, Nadya Daulay, Raymond Atje, Rizki Nauli Siregar and Via Azlia Widiyadi

Research Report

Membangun Kemampuan Digital UMK yang Berdaya Saing dan Inklusif di Daerah

Fajar B. Hirawan, Dandy Rafitrandi, Adinova Fauri, Futy Ichradinda, Jeremy Samuel Ngadiman and Raymond Atje

Research Report

Digital Silk Road and Inclusive Development in Indonesia

Fajar B. Hirawan, Rania Noor Teguh, Raymond Atje and Veronika S. Saraswati

Working Paper

The Pattern of Growth in Indonesia after the Economic Crisis 1997/1998: Does the Primary Sector Still Need to Support Economic Growth?

Fajar B. Hirawan

Research Report

Ekonomi hijau dalam visi indonesia 2045

Fajar B. Hirawan, Indah Lestari, Makmur Keliat, Novia Xu, Omar Farizi, Reyhan Noor and Syifa Fauzi

Press Release

Membedah Arah dan Strategi Kebijakan Ekonomi Indonesia

Deni Friawan, Yose Rizal Damuri and Fajar B. Hirawan